986 research outputs found

    Screening and metamodeling of computer experiments with functional outputs. Application to thermal-hydraulic computations

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    To perform uncertainty, sensitivity or optimization analysis on scalar variables calculated by a cpu time expensive computer code, a widely accepted methodology consists in first identifying the most influential uncertain inputs (by screening techniques), and then in replacing the cpu time expensive model by a cpu inexpensive mathematical function, called a metamodel. This paper extends this methodology to the functional output case, for instance when the model output variables are curves. The screening approach is based on the analysis of variance and principal component analysis of output curves. The functional metamodeling consists in a curve classification step, a dimension reduction step, then a classical metamodeling step. An industrial nuclear reactor application (dealing with uncertainties in the pressurized thermal shock analysis) illustrates all these steps

    TOFtracker: combination of time-of-flight and high-accuracy bidimensional tracking in a single gaseous detector

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    A 5-gap timing RPC equipped with patterned electrodes coupled to both charge-sensitive and timing circuits yields a time accuracy of 77 ps along with a position accuracy of 38 μm. These results were obtained by calculating the straight-line fit residuals to the positions provided by a 3-layer telescope made out of identical detectors, detecting almost perpendicular cosmic-ray muons. The device may be useful for particle identification by time-of-flight, where simultaneous measurements of trajectory and time are necessary

    Etude matricielle des machines synchrones autopilotées à commutation naturelle de courant

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    RESUMÉDes travaux récents ont montré que l’utilisation d'une écriture matricielle simplifiait nettement le calcul numérique des constantes d’amortissement d'une machine synchrone ainsi que celui de l'intensité des courants. Il était donc normal de cherher à profiter des mêmes avantages pour l’étude des machines autopilotées. Dans le présent article, nous considérons le cas d’une machine triphasée classique

    Etude matricielle des machines synchrones autopilotees a double etoile et a commutation naturelle de courant

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    RÉSUMÉPour améliorer le fonctionnement des machines synchrones autopilotées et, tout particulièrement, pour atténuer les fluctuations du couple moteur, on utilise fréquemment des bobinages à double (ou même multiple) étoile. Dans la présente étude, nous allons montrer que les avantages de la méthode matricielle sont, ici, encore plus nets que pour la machine simple

    Development of counting system for wear measurements using thin layer activation and the wearing apparatus

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    This paper focus on developing a counting system for the Wearing Apparatus, which is a device previously built to generate measurable wear on a given surface (Main Source) and to carry the fillings from it to a filter (second source). The Thin Layer Activation is a technique used to produce activity on one of the Wearing Apparatus' piece, this activity is proportional to the amount of material worn, or scrapped, from the piece's surface. Thus, by measuring the activity on those two points it is possible to measure the produced wear. The methodology used in this work is based on simulations through MCNP-X Code to find the best specifications for shielding, solid angles, detectors dimensions and collimation for the Counting System. By simulating several scenarios, each one different from the other, and analyzing the results in the form of Counts Per Second, the ideal counting system's specifications and geometry to measure the activity in the Main Source and the Filter (second source) is chosen. After that, a set of previously activated stainless steel foils were used to reproduce the real experiments' conditions, this real experiment consists of using TLA and the Wearing Apparatus, the results demonstrate that the counting system and methodology are adequate for such experiments

    Os derivativos como ferramentas para o crescimento do produtor rural

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    Orientador : André Daniel HayashiMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Especialização em MBA em Gestão do AgronegócioInclui referência

    Arte na escola: um relato de experiência no contexto do projeto Pibid interdisciplinar artes cênicas e música

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014O presente artigo debate a inserção da Arte na escola de educação básica no ambiente do Colégio Estadual Vinicius de Moraes, na cidade de Maringá-PR, considerando a experiência vivida em campo através do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID) em seu caráter interdisciplinar, integrando os acadêmicos de Licenciatura em Educação Musical e Licenciatura em Artes Cênicas da Universidade Estadual de Maring

    Solving Linux Upgradeability Problems Using Boolean Optimization

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    Managing the software complexity of package-based systems can be regarded as one of the main challenges in software architectures. Upgrades are required on a short time basis and systems are expected to be reliable and consistent after that. For each package in the system, a set of dependencies and a set of conflicts have to be taken into account. Although this problem is computationally hard to solve, efficient tools are required. In the best scenario, the solutions provided should also be optimal in order to better fulfill users requirements and expectations. This paper describes two different tools, both based on Boolean satisfiability (SAT), for solving Linux upgradeability problems. The problem instances used in the evaluation of these tools were mainly obtained from real environments, and are subject to two different lexicographic optimization criteria. The developed tools can provide optimal solutions for many of the instances, but a few challenges remain. Moreover, it is our understanding that this problem has many similarities with other configuration problems, and therefore the same techniques can be used in other domains.Comment: In Proceedings LoCoCo 2010, arXiv:1007.083

    Formação de palavras e políticas linguísticas: breves reflexões em programas de ensino e em gramáticas dos séculos XIX e XX

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    O presente artigo objetiva realizar reflexões das políticas linguísticas que atuam/afetam a historicidade dos saberes linguísticos produzidos sobre o processo de formação de palavras com os sufixos -eiro e -ista no Brasil. A presente análise é realizada a partir da montagem de um arquivo (PÊCHEUX, 1997 [1982]; GUILLAUMOU E MALDIDIER, 1997 [1986]), de gramáticas brasileiras publicadas entre o século XIX e o início do século XX. A composição do arquivo é feita por gramáticas diferentes, de autores, de épocas, de filiações teóricas diferentes, elaboradas com objetivos específicos, na relação com determinadas instituições, e a partir de determinadas políticas linguísticas. Empreendo um gesto de leitura sobre os modos como comparecem estudos sobre a formação dos referidos sufixos para, então, compreender como as políticas linguísticas circulam nas obras gramaticais selecionadas. Obras que são, pois, instrumentos linguísticos (AUROUX, 2014[1992]). Por isso, no gesto analítico empreendo um olhar para aquilo que se diz (ou não) sobre a língua. Dizer este que é afetado na/pela relação do sujeito com o Estado (e aí temos a forma mais visível das políticas linguísticas). Ademais, também busca-se verificar como as políticas linguísticas atuam em certas formulações; bem como nas tensões e contradições constitutivas desses processos de produção de conhecimento. O presente trabalho se insere no campo da História das Ideias Linguísticas, a partir dos trabalhos de S. Auroux (2014[1992]), E. Orlandi e E. Guimarães (1996), articulado à Análise de Discurso, a partir dos trabalhos de M. Pêcheux (2014 [1976]) e E. Orlandi (2013 [1999])